
The demand revolution: It’s time to unleash your commercial creativity

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Throughout business history there have been many revolutions, mostly led by innovation. Companies developed breakthrough technologies, and customers adapted and slowly adopted them.

The global pandemic spurred an entirely new kind of revolution, largely driven by heightened community awareness and mass digital migration. Customers are now assessing their own needs, recalibrating their expectations, and setting their own future course.

Now it is the companies’ turn to adapt.

A company’s best response to a demand revolution is to embrace it with a commercial revolution of their own. Unless you’re fully confident that your traditional, pre-crisis business practices will apply seamlessly to the post-crisis world, you’ll need to get commercially creative in ways and in areas you never previously imagined. This means harnessing your energy to secure or rebuild revenue bases from the ground up in 2021 and beyond.

The first step is understanding your commercial creativity potential and where you should apply it within your organization. Find out how to start the strategic planning process in our newly released paper. 

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