na wei

Über Na


娜のコンサルティング業務は、医薬品および医療機器のP&MA戦略を中心に行っており、上市時の薬価設定、ライフサイクル薬価マネージメント、コマーシャルデューデリジェンス、ポジショニング戦略、バリューストーリー、価格モデル/割引の最適化など、幅広いトピックをカバーしている。 日本、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、新興市場など複数の市場で幅広い治療分野の経験を有している。


2007年に中国人民大学で日本文学の学士号、2011年にニューヨーク州コロンビア大学で経済・政治学の学士号 summa cum laude)を取得。

中国語 (標準語) 、日本語、英語に堪能。


Na is a partner in Simon-Kucher’s Life Sciences division and is based in the Tokyo office. She has been with the company since 2010.

Na’s consulting activities focus on pricing and market access strategies for pharmaceutical and health technology products, covering a variety of topics such as launching pricing and negotiation, lifecycle price management, go-to-market strategy, and price model and discount optimization. Na has experience in a broad range of therapeutic areas in multiple markets, including Japan, the US, Europe, and emerging markets.

Before joining Simon-Kucher, Na lived and studied in China, Japan, and the US. Na received her BA in Japanese literature in 2007 from Renmin University of China and earned a BA summa cum laude in economics and political science in 2011 from Columbia University in the City of New York.

Na is fluent in Chinese, Japanese, and English.