
2023 Holiday Shopping Study: 5 Years of Voice-of-Consumer Insights and Trends

Thursday, October 26, 2023
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Consumer confidence continues to be shaky since the pandemic as the inflation roller coaster moved through steep highs, dips, and has appeared to finally stabilize. Retailers have also dealt with these affects while grappling with the fluctuations of empty and understocked shelves to overstocked stagnating inventory. These challenges unfold beneath the looming fog of recession, at times appearing imminent and at others, a more distant threat. Predicting ever-changing consumer preferences, spending habits, and perceptions is near impossible and the winning retailers are the ones that continue to be consumer-centric.

Why you should join the session:

  • In Simon-Kucher’s 5th Annual Holiday Shopping Study, we explore what consumers trends across the past 5 years will hold true as consumers and brands adapt to the macroenvironment in 2023.
  • Our insights are based on 1,000 US consumers that are representative of diverse generation, income, and preferences.
  • We share consumer trends along with strategies and tactics for the upcoming holiday season - across where consumers shop, what they will buy, when they will make their purchases, how promotions impact their decision-making, and much more

Register today and approach this shopping season equipped with knowledge and strategies for growth.

Event details
  • Webinar
  • Thursday, October 26, 2023
  • 13:00 - 13:45 EDT


Boston, USA